Category: party

On Community…in Prison

One of the wildest bits of the soft opening night of the 2017 Day for Night festival was the mini talking-head summit, with a chat between transgender soldier Chelsea Manning (who served time in...

Fantastic Debates 2017

The Fantastic Debates are a thing that take place every year at Fantastic Fest . Here’s a snapshot of what happened this year. Enjoy the video/photos of Suki-Rose Simakis in her black jacket taking...

My Bushwick Boyfriend

It’s not often that you have a moment of theater linger in your head for days. Yet when when you have a theatrical experience that couldn’t possibly be any better for hitting all of...

Burning Man

I haven’t the words to describe Burning Man 2016 yet, but here are a few pictures of the art and my experiences.  You’ll see art on the playa, art cars, burning art, and scenes around...