Robert Rodriguez (r) showing off a picture he took on the red carpet for his film Machete Kills.
Sometimes it’s really hard for a photo project to emerge. After these pictures were held for their own use by two separate editors who later changed their minds, I bring you a long-delayed Fantastic Fest photo gallery. You can see the rest of the set on Flickr.

Kumi Takiuchi of the film “Greatful Dead”

Q&A “Greatful Dead” with director Eiji Uchida and actress Kumi Takiuchi

Q&A “Escape from Tomorrow”

Q&A “Detective Downs”

Alex Winter, red carpet for “Grand Piano”

Tiger Hu Chen and Keanu Reeves red carpet for “Man of Tai Chi.”

Cole Bradley getting a “Cheap Thrills” tattoo on his bottom…and earning two VIP passes for the 2014 Fantastic Fest!

Ticket pickup

Fantastic Feud
Members of the band Metallica showed up with a sneak preview of their film “Metallia Through The Never”

Kirk Hammett of Metallica

Kirk Hammett and Robert Trujillo of Metallica

Kirk Hammett (L) Robert Trujillo (R) of Metallica with Director Nimród Antal
The final photos are from the festival’s Closing Night Party, which featured a stuntman show and a tattoo station.

Stuntman jumping off the Alamo Drafthouse

Elijah Wood shows off the tattoo he got at Fantastic Fest

Festival goers on closing night