Category: blog

Music Fans: Behave!

You can read Anna’s column on the issue of music fans behaving badly over at the Dallas Morning News. Don’t make Miranda Lambert turn this concert around!

Get Reel (SXSW) Reviews!

With alllllll of the things that happened at SXSW, like writing about worldbuilding for the Dallas Morning News, I don’t think I ever linked to the film reviews I did for GET REEL MOVIES...

Trump vs. Manhattan South

You can read about Anna going to the Trump arraignment in the Dallas Morning News here. Photos from the day below:

Tornado Hits My Hometown

You can read Anna’s column about the Houston area tornado that hit her hometown of Deer Park in the Dallas Morning News here.

More Tanya Tucker!

Anna’s review of the new Tanya Tucker documentary (from SXSW) can be seen on the Canadian site Get Reel Movies!