Signs of the Times: I may be more Early 1960s than Late 1960s.

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2 Responses

  1. Cathy Estes Sparks (@NashvilleCath) says:

    We, have a more John F. than Bobby vibe going, too, & prefer the early 60’s aesthetic, with tailored-classy beating out short-chic micro-mini (show your) assy. Treatment of women as intellectual equals set aside, the early 60’s has great appeal, from the British Invasion to Beach Blankets, to leftover beatniks. And, as much as I love a rocket, give me Allen Ginsburg over Alan Shepherd, anytime.

  2. Anna says:

    Yeah, I always wonder why women go walking around downtown with that “I forgot my pants” look, often carrying the shoes they can’t walk in! It just doesn’t look like fun to me!
    But yeah, the whole “Under My Thumb” era is kind of icky.