Since You Didn’t Ask: HEB Allendale – W4M
HEB Allendale – W4M
Date: 2013-01-13, 6:34PM
I just left HEB off 2222 and burnet and I am absolutely convinced that every sexy man in Austin was in that store tonight. I didn’t want to leave because there was just so much to look at! Wish I would have dressed a tad cuter! I mean wow!!!
There are times in life to work with what you have with you at that very moment. Stumbling onto a passel of cute dudes at the grocery store is one of those times!
Living in modern America, and going to modern American grocery stores, we tend to forget that perishable things come in seasons. With few of us now growing our own food, we tend to forget that for much of the world, you only eat the food that’s in season in your part of the world. When strawberries are in season, you buy what looks good. You don’t just wait until later, because strawberries will be out of season, and it will be time for peaches. Miss the strawberries and the peaches, and someone will be trying to sell you on the fabulousness ofpig beans.
It’s the same with dating. Sometimes the market will be flooded with fresh, crisp free range produce that you can’t help wanting to squeeze to determine optimal ripeness for home consumption. That’s the time to pounce!
As for your insecurity about how you were dressed during your visit to the palace of produce, you might be wise to keep in mind the theory that women dress for other women. In general, even if you are wearing last decade’s jeans, as long as you appear fairly clean on the surface, most men don’t care what you are wearing. Some of them don’t even like make-up!
Sure, you can show a little cleavage if you want to advertise, but, in general, do you really want to be advertising in the grocery store? (Imagine the shame if you had a wardrobe malfunction while selecting a ruby-red grapefruit or quelle horreur! a melon!)
So hon, the next time you’re at the grocery store and a fresh crop of sexy dudes is in stock, don’t be shy about loading up your basket (Personally, I’d take two because you don’t know when they are going to be in season again).
As long as you aren’t making a desperate diaper run with rug rat spit-up in your hair, you are probably dressed sexily enough to do some killer grocery store flirting!
Besides, if a man is too interested in your outfit, he likely won’t be that interested in removing it.
Just remember, if you want to keep things at their freshest, don’t forget to purchase some handy wipes or wrap up a certain something before use!