ANNAINAUSTIN...and Company! Blog

Downtown Abbey and Cough Syrup

As I sit on my sofa, chilling with my post SXSW cold, while watching Downton Abbey, I’m really grateful for modern medicine. I so would not want Lady Grantham in charge of my healthcare...

It’s Your Last Week to Check Out “Portal to Bohemia”

The 1920’s are often seen as a golden age of literature and art. For example, Woody Allen’s Golden Globe winning art house blockbuster “Midnight in Paris” features Owen Wilson’s character Gil repeatedly rhapsodizing about...

Sounds of the Budapest Subway….

One of the things I loved most about Budapest was the sounds that the vintage subway made. It’s the cutest subway in the world!
I have no idea why these sounds aren’t offered as standard text tones on the iPhone!

Samurai Culture is in for Christmas

 A couple of years ago, I was lucky enough to spend nearly the whole month of December in Japan. I fell in love with Japanese food–not just sushi–and realized just how little I really...