Category: blog


Today I wrote about this past weekend’s BodyHacking Con over at Last Night In Austin. Update: You can also view my experience on Storify. Given I was wearing a fracture boot during the event,...

Pride and Prejudice and Zombies

    True confession time: I read a lot of Jane Austen in graduate school. This means having not only read Austen’s first-written, last-published horror-ish novel Northanger Abbey, but also The Mysteries of Udolpho,...

Another Picture in Wikipedia

Nice to see Wikipedia using another one of my pictures. This one is of the “Soska Sisters” from Fantastic Fest!      

Renfest: Don’t Forget Your Cape!

Last year I met some friends at the “Barbarian Invasion” weekend of The Texas Renaissance Festival, outside of Houston. I hadn’t been to the festival since the early 80s and it has gotten so much bigger since then!...

Portland Japanese Garden In Fall

Last fall I spent a day photographing the beautiful Portland Japanese Garden. Here are some of the fall pictures. The garden is currently closed for a construction project, so you’ll just have to imagine...