Too Late: An Unusual Indie Film Masterpiece

TOO LATE Question and Answer at Fantastic Fest 2015
I slipped into a screening of TOO LATE on a whim at Fantastic Fest last year. I wasn’t expecting much, after all hearing that a film is shot in five “one take” events on 35 mm sounds like a bad party trick, and the sort of thing that makes for a good grad school exercise, and a bad watching experience. Boy, was I ever wrong.
TOO LATE was shot on “reclaimed” 35mm film (bought cheaply, as it had been loaded but never shot) and is ONLY being shown in 35mm, for now.
It’s an amazing film, full of twists and turns and John Hawkes and dead bodies and nude bodies and paternity and a sweet girl working as a stripper.
TOO LATE is totally worth seeing. It’s in limited release and is currently playing Boston and Tulsa, among other places.
See it if you have a chance!
In keeping with the analog-world theme, you can order the soundtrack on vinyl.
I’ve been wearing my Giddyups shirt with pride, but I have yet to have anyone ask me about it. That needs to change! More people need to see this film!

GiDDYUPS shirts at the TOO LATE screening at Fantastic Fest

GiDDYUPS shirts at the TOO LATE screening at Fantastic Fest

TOO LATE Q and A at Fantastic Fest 2015

TOO LATE Question and Answer at Fantastic Fest 2015

TOO LATE Question and Answer at Fantastic Fest 2015